Image source Download Youtube videos to device storage The above write-up may be familiar to you, maybe you've even searched that before or maybe not. But it seems like more people are still searching for a way to get videos on Youtube right to their devices local storage. So I will be showing you a simple way to get any Youtube videos right to your device local storage. Note : Videos from youtube does come with Copyrights and License agreements/law , so make sure to check if the video you want to download with guides provided in this blog is free to use before proceeding to download. The author of this article or the this 'WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MISUSE' . Getting videos from youtube is a popular subject and one could easily get them. I will no t be listing sites or apps that you can use, rather I will be showing how to use a particular one, which is Vidtube . It is actually straightforward to use. Vidtube has a very simple interface a...
Which is the most Popular data science framework? For python programmers the answer has always been, "Numpy!". Really?, is that so?. Well, let me mention a twit post from python software foundation, it reads " NumPy is the most popular data science framework, with 63% of python developers using it, followed by Pandas, with 55%". Do you believe that?!, yes, I believe it!. A survey was conducted which lead to that conclusion. Check it out Take a look The truth is, Python has become competition to itself alone, more and more becoming very dominant in the programming circle. What do you think, what language might take over data science in the future?